성정동호빠 O1O.9785.4389 성정동호스트빠 성정동텍빠 성정동이부가게

성정동호빠 O1O.9785.4389 성정동호스트빠 성정동텍빠 성정동이부가게

성정동호빠 O1O.9785.4389 성정동호스트빠 성정동텍빠 성정동이부가게
성정동호빠 O1O.9785.4389 성정동호스트빠 성정동텍빠 성정동이부가게

성정동호빠 O1O.9785.4389 성정동호스트빠 성정동텍빠 성정동이부가게

After reading the three books, Namgung-woo looked at Namgung-cheo

l with a surprised face.”What do you want to learn? These are all things th

at have disappeared from Gangho. But I happened to come into my hands

and learned them.”Namgung-woo thought for a moment at Namgung-cheo

l’s words and said to Namgung-cheol.”I think everyone at Sega should lear

n this, not just me.”Namgungcheol looked at her Namgungwoo. More than a

nything, I liked the way he thought of Sega.”Let’s do that, but the Twelve Iron S

words also need a change now. I’ve wanted to change the Twelve Iron Swords

for a long time. I don’t think it’s necessary to make it. The new sword method

changes rapidly and is diverse, so let the women of the Sega learn it, and the f

loating sword method is heavy and solemn, so let the men of the Sega learn it.

Because I can think of it, only learn the lineage of Sega. Starting tomorrow, you

성정동호빠 O1O.9785.4389 성정동호스트빠 성정동텍빠 성정동이부가게

come here every morning with Je-ryong, Mimi, and Mi-ok, Je-ryong’s wife, an

d learn this from me. You guys should know so I can teach the people of Sega

. isn’t there?””Okay, but does she have to come to her aunt who doesn’t know

martial arts? Her aunt has her baby.””It doesn’t matter. We are descendents of

chnique.””All right.”Like Kang-ho’s rumors, Namgung Sega is having a hard time

right now, but it will happen again. Namgoong Wu murmured as she clenched

her fists. He vowed to make the best Sega in the world only with the power of

Namgung Sega, not the power of others.Choil walked along the riverside. He th

ought that if he took a boat from here to Yueyang where Dongdong Lake is loca

ted, he would like to walk slowly or quickly. Above all, he gave up the idea of wa

nting to go to the Murim Meng quickly after seeing the terrible martial arts of A

kjungpae.The younger brother’s work is important, but the other dimension of m

성정동호빠 O1O.9785.4389 성정동호스트빠 성정동텍빠 성정동이부가게

artial arts was even more curious to Mu-gong studying martial arts. Choil thought

that there are really many masters in the world. After a while, the words of the m

aster suddenly came to mind.There is no first person in the world.Choil thought th

at his teacher might be right. Currently, the number one person in the world is sai

to be one of the greatest, but his age is already over one hundred and thirty year

s old. He’s at an age where he doesn’t know when he’ll die.Of course, if the level of

martial arts is high, he can live a long time. However, ordinary Murim people die w

hen they reach the age of eighty. Rumor has it that Iljon has already passed the ha

lf-role stage. Choil wondered if there really was such a person.The stories of people

who went beyond the stage of half-role and entered the stage of half-gods felt like o

ld folktales and tales. However, I thought that such a person actually existed, so rum

ors spread.He thought that he would like to see the first day of Gujeon’s birthplace (出

성정동호빠 O1O.9785.4389 성정동호스트빠 성정동텍빠 성정동이부가게

身之境). He really wanted to see if he could break a mountain with one sword and sp

lit the sea with one hand, just like the rumors say. Thinking about that and his own m

artial arts #성정동호빠 #성정동여성전용클럽 #성정동이부가게 #성정동호스트빠

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